Oak Edit

Why Crown Affair Founder Dianna Cohen's Self-Care Starts with Hair

June 05, 2024
Photos by: Valeria Sarto

Self-care looks different for everyone—what's often most important is simply that it starts somewhere. For Crown Affair Founder Dianna Cohen, it begins with her hair. Whether it's the daily ritual that keeps her grounded or the way she chooses to treat herself, her unique perspective on the care and keeping of your being has something to glean for everyone. Read on and find what just might work for you.

Can you walk us through your typical morning routine?
Because I am a creative night owl, I really enjoy slow mornings to set the tone for the day. I start my morning with my 3 minute gua sha routine (I have been using the Ritual Oil for over 2 years it's my absolute favorite). Then go into my living room overlooking the water to meditate for 20 minutes, followed by journaling and light stretching. Every morning I make my husband and I coffee and some breakfast and then I usually call my mom to say hello. I dive into my work day at 9:30-10 AM. Having that consistent routine is really grounding and something I look forward to daily.
How does hair care factor into your general sense of wellbeing?
Just like your skin, your hair is a reflection of your well being and it's important to care for it in a daily, consistent way. Each hair has a 6-7 year life span which is why it feels like your hair changes every decade. Be mindful and listen to it as you see changes and shifts in your health. Hair also has a huge impact on how we feel and move through the world. It's important to have a ritual that delivers consistency so you always feel good.
Though we’re sure they’re few and far between, what’s your go-to look on a bad hair day?
A chic slick back braid that gives you the illusion of a face lift. I use The Finishing Gel, The Brush No. 001 and The Scrunchie No. 001 to achieve this look. The best part about the gel is that I can brush it out after.
Beauty, hair, or otherwise, which essentials are always on your person?
I always have a lip balm, face mist, scrunchie, clip, dry shampoo, lip liner and randomly a spooly to brush up my brows!
What are some of the most underrated self-care benefits you’ve experienced in taking better care of your hair?
For me, brushing my hair in the evening is an act of meditation. It slows me down and I put my phone away for a couple of minutes to breathe and enjoy the scalp massage. I also genuinely look forward to wash day. To me, there is nothing more luxurious than taking an everything shower.
I am all about owning your rituals, not your rituals owning you. Wellness means taking care of yourself in consistent ways every day.
What’s one of the best beauty tips or secrets you’ve ever learned from a friend?
Hands down the best beauty secret (which isn’t really a secret anymore) is gua sha. I do it twice a day with my Ritual Oil and a stainless steel tool.
What’s one piece of hair-related advice you’d like to leave us with?
Most people don't realize this but your hair actually needs a lot of moisture even if you have fine or thin hair. It's all about finding hydrating weightless ingredients like a leave-in conditioner to get rid of frizz and add body and shine. Pro move—it seems counterintuitive because most leave-ins make your hair greasy but the Crown Affair Leave-In Conditioner is magic on dry hair. I use the leave-in on my ends and dry shampoo on my scalp to extend wash day. This has made my hair the healthiest it has ever been. If your hair feels dry, just trust, this leave-in hits differently.
What does wellness mean to you?
I am all about owning your rituals, not your rituals owning you. Wellness means taking care of yourself in consistent ways every day. Journaling, stretching, gua sha and meditation rituals are foundational for my daily well-being.

Dianna's Hair Care Tips for The Days In Between Wash Day

  1. Detangle throughout the day using The Comb No. 001. It’s normal to lose 50-100 strands a day, being mindful of tangles helps with shedding. 
  2. Refresh your scalp with The Dry Shampoo. Ditch the aerosols, this is a silky, volumizing, nourishing dry shampoo that leaves your hair feeling actually fresh and not gritty at all. It’s so light and fluffy, we love the kabuki brush application and it’s tiny enough to travel with. It’s a game-changing powder based dry shampoo that’s talc-free and nourishing to your scalp.
  3. If dry hair needs a refresh: Use The Leave-In Conditioner to hydrate and enhance your natural texture. Apply a small amount to the mid-length and ends of your hair. It won’t leave clumps or weigh your hair down. The pump application (vs a spray) is intentional so you can control the application/dosage. 
  4. Brush in the evening. I know it feels counterintuitive to brush because it separates the hair fiber and breaks the ‘texture’, but there are dozens of benefits of brushing your hair in the evening before bed. I promise the texture and fiber will settle back in overnight. Brushing your hair is a trial and error process, find out when it’s best for you but consistent brushing will help with hair growth and health over time. 
  5. Hydrating my scalp. Before bed, I apply a few spritzes of The Calming Scalp Serum to any spots on my scalp that feel dry, itchy, or need a little more love. I love how soothing it feels immediately and it doesn’t need to be washed out like other scalp serums. 

First beauty memory: Growing up in South Florida, my mom combing my hair after getting out of the pool. 

Three desert island skincare staples: A great Moisturizer, Sunscreen , Ritual Oil + Gua Sha Tool.

Best beauty lesson: Consistency is everything. It’s all about rituals, not miracles.

Most underrated beauty tip or tool: A high-quality hair brush. You should be brushing your hair every evening to move the healthy oils from your scalp to your strand.

You feel your most beautiful when: I always feel the most glowy and beautiful after getting a facial.

Recipe you can’t stop cooking: I have made my husband and I the same salad everyday for the past 5 years. We call it the bub salad named after each other. It has arugula, sprouts, celery, radish, avocado, cucumber, a soft boiled egg, cheese of your choice, lemon, and chili crunch.  

Current song you’re playing on repeat: Karma Police by Radio Head.